*Spoilers:* Complete WWE Smackdown Results For Tonight

WWE SmackdownSmackDown opens with Alberto Del Rio, David Otunga, and an injured Ricardo Rodriguez.They come out and say that the Brogue Kick should be banned. Out comes the GM Booker T who says the fans should decide on if the kick should be banned. They vote for it to stay legal. Booker T teases that he has something for them later on tonight.

1. Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara defeats The Miz and Cody Rhodes. Rhodes accidentally hit a Beautiful Disaster on Miz, which allowed Rey to pick up the victory for his team.

2. Zack Ryder defeats Daniel Bryan. Bryan and Ryder hugged before the match started. It was a quick paced match, as Bryan made Ryder tap out to the No Lock. He would not let the hold go, so the referee reversed the decision.