WWE Hell in a Cell Results – CM Punk vs. Ryback, New Champion Crowned, Hall of Famer Returns & More

WWE Hell In A CellWWE Hell In A Cell Results

By Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

October 27th 2012

After a Hell in a Cell video package highlighting the feuds between Punk and Ryback, and Big Show and Sheamus, Michael Cole welcomes us to the show! The massive structure is shown hanging above the ring, and Tony Chimmel introduces us to Alberto del Rio's personal ring announcer, Ricardo Rodriguez! 

As Alberto del Rio makes his way to the ring, Jim Ross and JBL run down the last few weeks of the feud, including clips from multiple on attacks on Friday Night Smackdown. As reported earlier today, the commentary team for tonight is a three-man team of Michael Cole, Jim Ross and JBL. 

(1) Alberto del Rio vs. Randy Orton

Randy starts off the match stomping and pounding away at del Rio in the corner. He quickly throws ADR to the outside and plants him with a stiff clothesline. Orton bounces his opponent's head off the announce table and the steel ring post; the ref makes it to a count of '7' before they get back into the ring. Orton runs into an elbow in the corner, and del Rio begins to work over Randy in the center of the ring with a hold on the upper arm. Orton powers out of the hold and backs his opponent into the corner with big right punches. Out of nowhere del Rio leaps over the rope and catches Orton in the cross armbreaker using the top rope for leverage! The referee, however, forces the break and del Rio concedes. 

Back to the center of the ring, del Rio gets an armbar takedown and a quick pin; only a two-count. He goes back ot the arm hold, but Orton slowly gets back to his feet and starts firing back with right hands. The two head into the corner again, and del Rio locks in the Armbreaker on the ropes one more time! He breaks the hold at three, but Orton throws him to the concrete floor. Del Rio shoves away Ricardo, and heads back into to the ring, right into a stiff clothesline! ADR counters another clothesline into the cross armbreaker, but Orton gets to the ring ropes to break the count.

Del Rio goes into "Viper position", stomping away at the mat, taunting Randy Orton. He goes for the RKO, but Randy sends him to the apron and lands the Hangman's DDT! Orton is favoring the left arm, but he coils and gets ready for the RKO…del Rio counters and hits a backstaber for a two-count. His momentum doesn't last long however, as Orton catches him with a snap running powerslam, and starts stomping away in the corner once again. Orton brings his opponent up to the top rope, and continues firing away with right hands. Orton tries for the signature superplex, but del Rio catches him and hangs his legs in the second rope, coming down hard with a foot stomp right to Orton's chest! Del Rio gets a close two-count, and screams at the refereee in desperation. He goes up to the top rope, and for an unexplained reason jumps down and gets caught by a standing dropkick from Orton. Looks like one of them blew that spot pretty bad. 

Del Rio locks in the cross armbreaker one more time, and Orton struggles to break the hold. He can't break it, but he gets to his feat and rolls del Rio on top of himself for an extremely close two-count. Del Rio goes for the step-up enszuigiri, but Orton ducks under the kick and hits the RKO on Del Rio as he comes back down! 1…2…3! 

Winner by Pinfall: Randy Orton