WWE Smackdown Results (5/17) – Cesaro vs Jericho, Big Six Man Tag Match Main Event

WWE SmackdownWWE Smackdown Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

May 17th 2013

Miz (and Miz TV) returns to Smackdown by putting over Extreme Rules, and he says Sunday will be memorable, but so will tonight. Randy Orton comes out to the ring, followed by Big Show, and Miz talks about their recent history with each other. Miz asks Show if getting dropped by an RKO is a preview, but Show says Miz is a weasel and would make a comment like that. Show says Orton can only beat him by attacking him from behind, and there are no rules at Extreme Rules, so he is going to tear him apart and knock him out. Orton says it’s an entertaining story, but the ending is wrong because he is going to win in his city, and there’s no chance Show knocks him out. Orton says he made a mistake by trusting him, but the only thing they will remember is how ‘The Viper’ struck down the giant, and he might not get back up.

Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter come out and Zeb says the fans will remember Sunday night because Swagger will make Alberto Del Rio quit. He says there will be no more sneaking around, and Jack Swagger’s America is one step closer when he becomes the number one contender. Alberto and Ricardo join them in the ring and Alberto tells Zeb to shut up, because they are sick of hearing him and they will remember one thing. Ricardo yells ‘Albertooooooooo’ and Alberto says he will make Swagger quit, then he tells Zeb he’ll send him far away so he can’t sneak back in WWE.

Mark Henry cuts them off and says they’ll remember him setting records, and they’ll remember him dragging Sheamus around and beating him up like never before. Henry says they’ll remember he’s the strongest man in the world because that’s what he does, then Sheamus comes out and says Henry is right about memories, but he’s going to beat the hell of him and leave him battered. Sheamus says they don’t need to wait for Sunday, then he runs in the ring with a strap and clears the ring. Teddy Long comes out and says he’s ready for Extreme Rules, and they’ll see Big Show, Swagger and Henry team against Orton, Alberto and Sheamus.