WWE Smackdown Results (9/13) – Big Show Gets Night Off, Ziggler Fights For Title Shot, Cutting Edge w/ Bryan & Orton

WWE SmackdownWWE Smackdown Results
By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com
September 13th 2013

Big Show comes out and reads a written apology addressed to Triple H and the locker room, then HHH comes out and thanks him for the apology. He says it wasn't really sincere but he did it, and he's not picking on Show, he just needs him to be a leader. HHH says if an employee refuses to listen to a boss it's grounds for dismissal, and Show asks him to stop, but HHH says he won't fire him. HHH says he is suspended for the night, and that's bad for Show because he's broke, then he tells Show to leave but he stops when The Shield shows up. Show stands in the ring and gets attacked, but he knocks them all down and throws them into opposite corners.

Show rolls outside and gets on the commentary table, then he dares The Shield to attack but they end up sweeping his legs and hitting him with a chair. Show fights back and throws them back, then he spears Reigns from the table and sets him up for a chokeslam in the ring. Ambrose runs in but Show grabs him too, then he sees Rollins leap off the top rope so he punches him mid air and sets up for a knockout punch. Reigns gets back in and hits him with the chair, then he screams at Show to stay down and continues to hit him with the chair. Ambrose tells Show that this is his fault, then they lift him up and triple powerbomb him before they taunt him and leave the ring.

Natalya, Naomi & Brie Bella vs Aksana, Layla & Alicia Fox

Brie knocks Aksana down and taunts AJ Lee (at commentary), then Layla jumps in and breaks up a pin before Brie puts Aksana in a front facelock. Aksana shoves her back and tags out, then Alicia knocks Naomi down and goes for a quick cover before putting her in a front facelock and kicking Natalya's arm. Naomi breaks it with a back suplex, then they both tag out and Natalya takes Aksana down and goes for a Sharpshooter, but AJ jumps in the ring and goes after Natalya, causing the disqualification. Natalya throws her across the ring and slaps her, then Naomi knocks her down and Natalya goes for a Sharpshooter, but the other Divas pull AJ out of the ring and leave.

Winners (by disqualification) – Natalya, Naomi & Brie Bella


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