Complete TNA One Night Only Xtravaganza PPV Taping Results *Spoilers*

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TNA One Night Only Xtravaganza PPV Results

TNA changed the format of this year's Xtravaganaza. It was announced that new comers and returning former TNA X-Division guys will face off against current X-Division stars in order to qualify for the Ultimate X main event.

– Low Ki defeated Chris Sabin via Ki Krusher. Sabin tossed Ki into the turnbuckle. Low Ki countered and landed on the middle rope and hit his warriors way stomp followed by the Ki Krusher for the win.

– Rashad Cameron defeated DJ Zema Ion. Rashad countered a tornado DDT by DJ Z and rolled him into a small package for the win.

– Kenny King defeated Rubix with his Coronation finisher.

– Trent Baretta was introduced as Ace Vetter (or Vedder) defeated Manik.


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