TNA Impact Wrestling Results (5/22) – Knockout Open Challenge, Aries vs MVP, EY vs Lashley

Eddie Edwards comes back from the hospital and demands MVP, King or Lashley fights him, then he brawls with King on the ramp and chokes him with his shirt. Eddie repeatedly hits him and throws him in the ring, but King gets him with a cheap shot and hits him with a mic. King throws him outside and laughs, but Eddie catches him with some punches and whips him towards the apron. King springboards up and goes for a moonsault off the apron, but Eddie sidesteps him and hits a suicide dive before choking King on the floor. Eddie hits him and tries to lift him, but King drops him throat first on the barricade and throws him into the steps. Eddie dives back at him but King kicks him headfirst into the steps, then he suplexes him on the ramp and tells the camera that Eddie won't get up.

BP: I liked this. A good old fashioned fight. The only problem? King looked a bit ridiculous trying to do a moonsault in a fight. Other than that, it was hard hitting and fun to watch.

Ken Anderson and James Storm are shown continuing their drinking contest, and Anderson orders another round, revealing his bottles weren't filled with real beer. He laughs along with Storm until he tells him he's been acting, then he smashes Storm's head off of the table. Anderson throws him outside and sends him into a dumpster, then he says he will pay up on their bet and shoves some money in his mouth.

Bobby Lashley vs Eric Young

Lashley and Eric trade punches, then Lashley whips him over the ropes and chokes him on the apron. Lashley whips him into the corner and hits him as we go to a break, then we get back to see Lashley knee him in the back and follow with a suplex. He puts Eric in a bearhug, but Eric elbows his way out, then Lashley kicks him in the stomach but Eric blocks a spear with a boot to the face. Eric hits a flying forearm and follows with a missile dropkick for two, then Lashley goes for a powerslam but Eric counters with a piledriver. He calls for the end and heads up top, but Kenny King runs out and distracts him while MVP hits Eric from behind. King crotches Eric on the turnbuckles, then MVP tells the ref to do the right thing as Lashley spears Eric and hits a powerslam for the win. They attack Eric after the bell, and Austin Aries tries to make the save but he gets outnumbered, then King hits a Royal Flush as the show ends.

Winner – Lashley

BP: Good back and forth match with an expected result. Lashley gets to show his strength, and Eric shows he doesn't quit and is a credible wrestler/champion. The dirty finish doesn't hurt Eric in the end, and Aries continues to interject himself into things. Well done, eventhough it was an 'overbooked' finish.

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