10/19 Total Divas Viewership: How Did the Double-Header Influence the Numbers? New Hell in a Cell “By the Numbers” Video

10/19 Total Divas Viewership

total divasSunday’s double-header of Total Divas on E! brought in 826,000 for the first episode, and jumped up to 860,000 for the second hour. This continues a rather unusual trend the show has seen all season, alternating between increases and decreases with every episode. That being said, this week’s set of episodes were the lowest watched of the season. 

Next Sunday the mid-season finale will go head-to-head with WWE Hell in a Cell, live on PPV. 

KILLAM: These double episodes are just a bad idea. It’s not something they did with the first or second season, and anyone with knowledge of the TV industry can tell you messing with dates/times really messes with ratings (see: Impact Wrestling). Hell in a Cell won’t effect the numbers. WWE PPV and Total Divas seem to have two completely different audiences, and one has never shown a noticeable dent in the other’s viewership. 

Hell in a Cell “By the Numbers”

WWE has posted an updated version of the Hell in a Cell “By the Numbers” video, featured below. 


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