11/13 WWE NXT Results: Adrian Neville vs. Sami Zayn NXT Championship Match, Finn Balor Makes In-Ring Debut, Lucha Dragons in Action & More

NXT Championship Match


Good feeling out process early on, with neither able to win a lock-up. Zayn is very serious, and Adrian Neville doesn’t look like he’s taking it as seriously as he probably should. Sami gets an advantage with an armdrag, and works the arm for a minute. He does a leapfrog and hangs on to the ropes to avoid a clothesline, then dropkicks the champ to the floor. Sami looks to fly over the ropes, but rebounds off them and lands on his feet in the ring; Neville realizes he almost just got taken out, and rolls away to collect himself. Zayn with a shoulder tackle, but Neville with a roundhouse kick and a running knee lift, as we fade to a commercial. 

After a WrestleMania 31 promo, we come back to the champion in total control. He picks up a two-count after doing something we don’t get to see. Knife-edge chops in the corner, followed by a running tackle. Neville puts on a side headlock and they slow down the pace for several minutes. Every time Sami tries to come back, Adrian takes him right back to the hold. Eventually the crop gets Zayn back into the match, and he comes off the ropes but is caught with an uppercut. Neville hits a standing moonsault for two. He sets up for what looks like a piledriver, but Zayn reverses into an insane electric chair drop powerbomb. 

Loud “SAMI!” chants as he’s finally in control of the match. The Champ comes back with a few kicks, but Zayn responds with a German suplex, followed by another, and finishes with a half nelson exploder suplex for an extremely close two-count. He sets up for the Helluva Kick, but Neville kicks him in the face instead. Red Arrow attempt, but Sami moves out the way and the champ is down hard. Adrian clutches his knee and the referee goes to check on him. The ref backs off the challenger and Neville rolls around on the mat in pain. Zayn looks worried and goes to check on him, and Neville rolls him up with a small package for the 1-2-3. 


-The trainer comes out to check on Adrian Neville, while Sami Zayn just sits in the corner trying to take in what just happened.