WWE Fastlane Result: Dolph Ziggler, Ryback & Erick Rowan vs Seth Rollins, Kane and Big Show

wwe fastlane resultDolph Ziggler, Ryback & Erick Rowan
vs Seth Rollins, Big Show & Kane 

Rollins stomps Dolph a few times, then Rowan slams Rollins into the corner and hits a pump handle slam and an elbow drop. Kane goes for a scoop slam but Rowan blocks and hits a legdrop, then he elbows Kane and gets a two count before Kane shoves him in the corner. Rowan gets thrown outside, then he whips Show into the ringpost and chases Mercury and Noble away. Show chops Rowan’s knees and slams him in the corner, then he finally works out of the corner and Show puts him in an elevated leglock. Rowan fights out and Rowan tries to stop him, but Rowan makes the tag and Ryback slams him into the turnbuckles. Ryback hits a Thesz press and slams him down, then he calls for a Meathook but Kane interferes and Ryback knocks him down. Rollins tries to roll him up and gets two, then he goes for a Blockbuster but Ryback catches him off the ropes and hits Shell Shocked. Show breaks the pin up, then Kane goes for a chokeslam but Dolph hits a superkick and Famouser before attacking Kane. Show ends up knocking Dolph out from the floor (behind the ref’s back), and Kane makes the cover.

Winners – Seth Rollins, Big Show & Kane


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