impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (3/20) – Ultimate X Returns, Spud Cashes In, Lashley vs Angle!

No Disqualification

James Storm vs Matt Hardy 

Hardy rushes the ring and attacks Storm near the apron, then he loads the ring with weapons but Manik grabs him. Storm uses the distraction to hit Hardy in the corner, then he wedges a chair in the corner and kicks Hardy in the head. He superplexes Hardy through two more chairs for a two count, then Hardy comes back with a Twist of Fate into a pile of tacks introduced by Storm.

Abyss pulls Hardy outside and Koya tries to attack Hardy with a desk chair, but Hardy beats him with it and drops Manik with a Twist of Fate. Storm slams Hardy headfirst into the chair in the corner, then Hardy catches him with a surprise Twist of Fate. Abyss tries to revive Storm, and Sanada sprays mist in Hardy’s face, then Storm hits Hardy with a cowbell and superkicks him twice to win.

Winner – James Storm 

BP: This match was pretty entertaining, and the end was quick and brutal, even for a no DQ match. Loved the end sequence with the cowbell and the superkicks.