6/10 WWE NXT Results: Samoa Joe Makes In-Ring Debut, Zack Ryder Returns


Jessie is an Australian developmental Diva making (I believe) her in-ring debut here. Lynch gets some love from her Takeover performance, so it’s Jessie who works as the heel here. Becky controls early but runs into a big boot. Jessie works a side headlock and builds heat for a few minutes, and they end up getting into a nice submission exchange. Lynch catches her in a pretty crazy crucible-type slam, into the Fujiwara Armbar for the win. 

Winner: Becky Lynch

-Backstage William Regal announces Samoa Joe’s in-ring debut for tonight, and that Kevin Owens would be sat commentary. Bull Dempsey interrupts him, crunching down on a bag of Doritos. He makes excuses about being tired and losing his match to Breeze – they’re playing it up like he’s fat and out of shape, and can’t go more than a minute without blowing up in the ring. Regal takes his chips and tells him to get his act together, so Bull takes out a chocolate bar. 


Corbin is over as a heel, so of course he doesn’t give the fans the 15-second victory this time, and eventually they stop counting and chant “Corbin Sucks”. Total dominance throughout the still-short match. Dawkins gets in a few punches at the end, but runs into a massive lariat, followed by the End of Days for the win. 

Winner: Baron Corbin


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