WWE RAW Results (6/22) – Sheamus vs Reigns, Owens/Cena Challenge, Rollins Gains Advantage!

Sheamus vs Roman Reigns 

Sheamus and Reigns trade punches, then Reigns hits a clothesline and a ties Sheamus in the ropes. Sheamus snaps Reigns’ head on the top rope and uppercuts him, then we get back from a break to see Reigns set up an apron kick. Sheamus was playing possum and decks him with a clothesline, then hits three Irish Curse backbreakers.  Sheamus puts him in a Cloverleaf but Reigns makes it to the ropes, then Sheamus kicks him before Reigns whips him outside.

Reigns hits a basement dropkick and a clothesline over the commentary table, then Bray Wyatt interrupts. He’s shown having tea and says they’re waiting, then Roman runs to find him, but Bray is shown talking to an empty chair. We get back to see Reigns running backstage, and he finds a room full of candles, with photos all over the wall. He looks really spooked since we hear Bray, but don’t see him, only the photos with the eyes and mouth cut out. 

Result – No Contest

That was pretty cool and crazy and creepy and scary. Bray got his edge back. 

Seth Rollins finds J&J backstage and tries to make amends, but they blow him off and ignore his calls to reunite.  


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