WWE SmackDown Results (9/24) – Kane Plays Mind Games With Rollins, Paige Goes Off Again, Walk Owens Walk, Ambrose vs. Rollins

Second Match: The New Day vs. Neville & Lucha Dragons 

The New Day said that at the Madison Square Garden Show on the WWE Network they will put a end to the Dudley Boyz. New Day tells the Dudley Boyz to not let the door hit you while the New Day splits you. New Day says that they will fufill their Save The Tables Movement. Neville and Kingston start off the match. Neville kicks Kingston the chest. Neville and Kalisto connect with double flying drop kicks. Both teams have a stare off. Kalisto with kicks to Big E. Big E blocks a hurricanrana attempt. Big E with stomps which leads to a sequence of The New Day stomping Kalisto with Woods playing the trombone.

Kingston with a running drop kick to Kalisto in the corner. Kingston with a clothesline for a one count. Kingston whips Kalisto to the corner. Kalisto sends Kingston to the outside. Big E rolls Kingston  back in. Sin Cara comes off the tag with a springboard crossbody, back elbow and moonsault. Neville sends Big E to the outside. Kingston also is sent to the outside along with Woods. Neville and The Dragons all connect with dives to the New Day on the outside. Woods with a sidekick to Sin Cara to pickup the victory. 

Winner: The New Day