impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (1/26) – Feast or Fired, The Hardy’s Collide?, Shane Helms Returns To TNA

The Wolves Backstage Promo: 

Davey says they’re the greatest tag team in the world today, but their belts are missing after what happened with Crazzy Steve last week. Eddie says that men don’t attack men from behind, so they asked for a match and are going to wait for Steve and whoever his partner is in the ring, and they better bring the belts. The Wolves finish off the promo by saying let the hunt begin. 

First Feast or Fired Segment: 

Drew Galloway, Eli Drake, Grado and James Storm enters the Feast or Fired Room. Jeremy Borash says that it’s time to reveal what’s inside each of these four briefcases. The Miracle Mike Bennett and Maria Kanellis enter the room and Bennet mocks the Feast or Fired winners. Bennett says that all four men need a miracle in order to keep their jobs. Galloway asks Bennett who the hell does he think he is. Galloway says that Bennett is obviously not the brains a operation. Maria says that TNA needed her and The Miracle. Drake opens his briefcase and it’s revealed that Drake will get a opportunity at the TNA King of the Mountain Championship. Borash says that they will open the three other briefcases later on tonight. 

Fourth Match: The Wolves vs. Crazzy Steve & Abyss 

Steve and Richards start off the match. Steve immediately tags in Abyss. Abyss with clubbing blows to the back of Richards. Abyss with a running splash to Richards in the corner. Abyss tags in Steve. Steve with a running senton to the back of Richards. Steve with a wrist lock to Richards. Steve applies a chin lock. Richards with elbows to the ribs of Steve. Steve tags in Abyss. Abyss with a bodyslam and a running splash and tags in Steve. Abyss chokeslams Steve on Richards for a two count.

Steve continues to ground Richards and tags in Abyss. Abyss knocks Edwards off the ring apron. Abyss tags in Steve. Richards tags in Edwards. Edwards knocks Abyss of the ring apron. Edwards connects with a suicide dive to Richards. Steve with a back elbow to Edwards. Steve with a uppercut to Richards. The Wolves goes for the Creeping Death, but a strange woman shows up on the stage with the tag team titles. Steve and Abyss gets disqualified. Abyss with a Black Hole Slam to Edwards. The woman spits green mist to the face of Richards. Abyss with a chokeslam to Edwards. Steve and Abyss poise with the tag team titles over Edwards. 

Winner: The Wolves by DQ