Lucha Underground Results (3/2) – Puma vs Pentagon Jr. 2, Who’s The Gift of The Gods Champion?

We get another vignette for the returning luchador Famous B. Make sure to give him a call at 423-Get-Fame. 

Rey Mysterio continues his training with his protege Dragon Azteca Jr.

Second Match: Prince Puma vs. Pentagon Jr. 

Puma with a series of right hands to Pentagon. Pentagon with a forearm that sends Puma to the ropes. Pentagon leaps over Puma. Pentagon with two swinging neckbreaker which sends Puma to the outside. Puma with a flying onto Pentagon on the outside. Puma rolls Pentagon back into the ring. Puma with a kick to the chest of Pentagon for a two kick. Pentagon with a big knee to Puma for a two count. Pentagon lays a massive chop to the chest of Puma. Puma schoolboys Pentagon for a two count. Puma and Pentagon have a stare off. Puma connects with the flying forearm.

Puma with three Northern Lights Suplex’s. Puma drops Pentagon with the standing moonsault for a two count. Puma goes for the 450 Splash, but Pentagon rolls out of the way. Puma sends Pentagon on the top rope and he lands a nasty uppercut. Pentagon with the Mexican Destroyer for a two count. Mil Muertes sits in the crowd. Mil rips the sling off his injured shoulder. Pentagon goes for the Package Piledriver, but he puts Puma down on the mat as Muertes hops on the ring apron. Pentagon goes after Muertes. Muertes with a vicious chokelsam to Pentagon to cause the disqualification. Puma connects with a super kick to Muertes. Muertes with a spear that lays out both Puma and Pentagon. Muertes connects with the double flat liner to Puma and Pentagon. Muertes raises the Lucha Underground Championship up in the air. 

Winner: Pentagon Jr. via DQ