TNA Impact Wrestling Results (3/29) – Hardy vs Galloway, EC3 vs The Brand, The Pope Is Back?

First Match: Ethan Carter III vs. The Matt Hardy Brand 

EC3 and Tyrus starts off the match. Spud distracts EC3 and Tyrus attacks EC3 from behind. EC3 chops Tyrus in the chest in the corner. Tyrus whips EC3 to the corner. Tyrus misses on a clothesline. EC3 knocks Hardy and Spud off the ring apron. EC3 was about to hit Reby, but Tyrus attacks EC3 from behind. EC3 with a back elbow to Tyrus. Tyrus with a exploder suplex to EC3. Tyrus with a right hand to the gut of EC3. Tyrus bodyslams EC3 and lands a elbow drop for a two count. Tyrus does a couple push ups on the back of EC3. Tyrus tags in Spud. Spud with a series of right hands to EC3. EC3 holds onto Spud’s ankle, but Spud tags Tyrus back in. EC3 with ten punches to the forehead of Tyrus in the corner. Tyrus sends EC3 face first to the top turnbuckle. Tyrus tags in Spud. Tyrus throws Spud onto EC3 for a two count. Spud brings EC3 to the corner and tags in Tyrus. Tyrus with a right hand to the ribs of EC3. Tyrus tags in Hardy. Hardy with a series of forearms to EC3 in the corner. EC3 counters back with some right hands. EC3 knocks Spud and Tyrus off the ring apron. Hardy connects with a diving elbow. Hardy with a series of right hands to EC3. Reby slaps EC3 in the face three times. Hardy tags in Spud. Spud kicks EC3 in the gut.

Spud tags in Tyrus. Tyrus with a double axe handle to the back of EC3. Tyrus with a nerve hold to EC3. EC3 sends Tyrus to the corner. Tyrus tags in Spud. Spud with a headlock to EC3. EC3 connects with the back suplex to Spud. Spud tags in Hardy. EC3 with a clothesline and a back elbow to Hardy. EC3 with a jawbreaker that sends Hardy to the corner. EC3 with the EC3 Splash. EC3 connects with a flap jack. EC3 goes for the One Percenter, but Tyrus storms back into the ring. EC3 lowers the bottom rope, which causes Tyrus to crash on the outside. Hardy tags in Spud. Spud goes for a flying crossbody off the top rope,but EC3 catches Spud in mid air. EC3 presses Spud in the air and Spud rakes the eyes of EC3. Spud goes for the Twist of Fate, but EC3 counters with the Cobra Clutch. Bennett storms into the ring to attack EC3 which causes the disqualification. After the match Bennett begins the ground and pound attack to EC3. The Matt Hardy Brand gangs up on EC3. Out comes Beer Money to make the save. Roode with a flying forearm to Tyrus. Storm gets on the mic and says that Beer Money was drinking some beer in the back and they heard that there was some fighting going on. Roode says that Beer Money and EC3 are ready for a fight. Roode says that he’s going to play match maker. It will be Beer Money & EC3 vs. Matt Hardy, Tyrus and Mike Bennett. 

Winner: Ethan Carter III via DQ