TNA Impact Wrestling Results (4/5) – Hardy vs Galloway, New Champion Crowned, Tag Team Division In Decay?

Shane Helms, Eddie Edwards, Beer Money and The Decay In-Ring Promo: 

Helms takes credit for Trevor’s win, and he calls out Wolves Nation Leader Eddie Edwards. Edwards says thanks for the time, and Helms says he’s spent his time all these years. Eddie says tagging would be an honor. Eddie says the problem is the title shot belongs to him and Davey Richards. Why would he want to be part of a Helms Dynasty when he can be part of a Nation? On behalf of Davey, the answer is no. Helms says if he isn’t with him, it’s through him. Beer Money comes out to prevent the attack on Eddie. Beer Money will line all the tag teams up and they will knock them all down. Out comes The Decay. Rosemary says that when you wish upon a dying star, it makes no difference who you are. You will Decay. Abyss promises this time they take the titles forever. Storm threatens them and all four go at it. Bobby Roode says that they will put the TNA World Tag Team Titles on the line next against all tag teams. 


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