TNA Sacrifice 2016 Results (4/26) – Two New Champions Crowned, EC3 vs The Miracle, Rosemary’s In-Ring Debut

Beer Money Backstage Promo: 

Beer Money go over what color tights they want to wear in their tag team title defense tonight and they select the color red. Storm asks Roode what the hell is wrong with The Decay? Beer Money is willing and able to fight any tag team at anytime. Storm doesn’t get what a Valley of Shadows Match is. Roode doesn’t know either. Roode says that The Decay are unpredictable. The tag titles are Beer Money’s legacy. Don’t matter what happens tonight, Decay won’t bring Beer Money down. Storm says that instead of calling it Valley of Shadows or Gunfight at the Golden Corral, lets’ call it a “Ass Whipping in the Impact Zone.” 

Maria Kanellis & Gail Kim In-Ring Promo: 

Everybody said that Maria had no shot of winning the ladder match to gain control of the Knockouts Division. Maria gain power and none of you believe her. Everybody wanted a women’s revolution, we needed a change. Maria says that she didn’t have to change, it was the trolls who need to change. What we need is a human revolution. Maria says that she will shape the Knockouts Division in her own vision. Gail Kim comes out to interrupt Maria. Gail says that Knockouts Division is about having pride and now they’re stuck with Maria as their boss. Maria asks Gail if she really feels that she built something special?

Maria calls Gail delusional for believing that anybody cared about her or the Knockout’s Division. Gail says that Maria is behind Rosemary and The Decay kidnapping her on last week’s show. Maria is the reason why Gail was tortured. Gail says that she might as well kick Maria in the head. Maria says that she can take everything away from Gail. To assume that Maria was behind the kidnapping, where’s the evidence. Gail calls Maria crazy. Maria’s not crazy, but she’s going to make the Knockouts Division in her vision. Maria is still going to let Gail wrestle, in fact she will go one on one right now with Rosemary.