TNA Impact Wrestling Results (5/10) – Willow in Disguise ?, The Decay Retains, EC3 Enters The Six Sides of Steel

Maria Kanellis, Jade and Gail Kim Backstage Segment: 

Gail wants to know what Maria wants. Maria hopes that Gail learn her lesson. Maria knows that Jade is a fighting champion and she wants to see a five star match from the two of them. In order for that to happen she’s going to have Sienna be at ringside. Sienna wishes Gail and Jade luck.

Ethan Carter III & Mike Bennett In-Ring Promo: 

EC3 stands here as a two former TNA Champion. He was once unpin and undefeated. Now he’s a man filled with vengeance. EC3 says that he’s not going to waste anymore time. EC3 calls Maria & The Miracle down to the ring. Maria says that EC3 got her induction wrong. EC3 calls Maria toots McGee and he’s here to talk to her husband. Bennett gets it, EC3 is angry. Bennett tells EC3 that he needs absolutely nothing from him and he’s moved on. EC3 is glad that Bennett came with his sun glasses, doucheville has arrived. EC3 points out the Bennett has a great ego. Bennett says that he has the ego the size of the sun. Bennett defeated the Infamous EC3.

EC3 tells Bennett that he has two options. One Bennett can have his thumb up his ass. Secondly, they can have the rematch right now. Maria says that she talked to Billy Corgan and he gave Bennett a great idea. Bennett says that he knew that EC3 would be relentless after that lost, so they do have a lot of things in common. Bennett says that EC3’s demons eats him inside. Bennett says that he’s going to reveal EC3’s demon and if EC3 gets it right, then he’ll grant him his rematch. EC3 accepts Bennett’s challenge. Bennett wants EC3 to go to the back and prepare because the first step in the EC3’s Road to Redemption will be held inside the six sides of steel tonight. EC3 first opponent will be a surprise. 


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