Photo courtesy of El Rey network

Lucha Underground Results (5/18) – Killshot vs. The Moth, Who’s The Gift of the Gods Champion ?

Third Match: Chavo Guerrero vs. El Texano vs. Joey Ryan vs. The Mack vs. Sexy Star vs. Sinestro De La Muerte vs. Aerostar in a 7-Way Match for the Gift of the Gods Championship 

Star with a dropkick to Aerostar. Star with a bodyscissors to Ryan. Backslide and Ryan kicks out at the count of one. Ryan tries to kiss Star. Guerrero rolls Star up for a two count. Star chops Ryan in the chest. Star with a double hurricanrana to Ryan and Guerrero. Mack and Star connect with a stereo hurricanranas that sends Ryan and Guerrero to the outside. Mack leapfrogs over Star. Texano drags Star to the outside. Texano chops Mack in the chest. Mack with a deep armdrag to Texano. Texano with a kick to the head for a one count. Texano with a series of chops to Aerostar in the corner. Aerostar with a springboard tornado DDT for a two count. Texano with a jaw breaker. Texano superkicks Aersostar. Aerostar sends Texano to the outside. Aerostar with a reverse body scissors for a two count. Aerostar with a enziguri to Muerte.

Aerostar with a springboard back forearm to Mack, Guerreo and Texano on the outside. Star knocks Ryan off the top rope. Star connects with a flying crossbody to Guerrero, Texano, Mack and Aerostar. Muerte kicks Ryan in the gut. Muerte with a running forearm to Texano in the corner. Texano with a double leg drop for a two count. Aerostar with a sunset flip for a two count. Star with a dropkick to Ryan. Star and Mack repeatedly chops Joey Ryan in the chest. Guerrero sends Star to the outside. Guerrero with a dropkick to The Mack. Guerrero with a Frog Splash for a two count. Guerrero is trapped in the corner. Mack plants Guerrero with the Stunner, Star gives Guerrero a code breaker, Muerte with a springboard leg drop. Cage comes down to the ring. Cage lays out every member of the match. Cage with a Falcon Arrow to Ryan. Cage puts Guerrero on top of Ryan and Guerrero picks up the victory. After the match Cage tells Guerrero that he’ll put his Gift of the Gods Championship on the line next week.

Winner: New Gift of the Gods Champion Chavo Guerrero 

Vampiro beats the voices out of Pentagon Jr’s head to end the show. Vampiro says that Pentagon Jr has no have any control over the pain he suffers. Vampiro hits Pentagon Jr. in the back with the barbwire steel bat to end the show. 

Thank you guys so much for checking out our coverage of this week’s Lucha Underground.

You can follow me on Twitter @WZJoshLopez 

Josh Lopez Wrestling Podcast Episode 4


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