WWE SmackDown Results (5/26) – Miz/Cesaro, Rusev vs Kalisto, Seth Rollins Invades Norfolk

A bevy of WWE Superstars & Women talk about the split that happen this past Monday on Raw with Ric Flair and Charlotte. 

Third Match: Dana Brooke w/Charlotte vs. Natalya 

Charlotte joins the commentary team for this match. Brooke and Natalya locks up. Natalya with a side headlock takedown. Natalya with a series of right hands to Brooke in the corner. Brooke clotheslines Natalya. Brooke goes for a elbow drop, but Natalya rolls out of the way. Natalya gets Brooke in the Sharpshooter. Charlotte storms into the ring and attacks Natalya to cause the disqualification. After the match, Charlotte gets trapped into the Sharpshooter, but Dana Brooke makes the save. Charlotte whips Natalya head onto the mat. Brooke with a boot to the face. Charlotte drops Natalya with a exploder suplex. 

Winner: Natalya via DQ