WWE SmackDown Results (5/26) – Miz/Cesaro, Rusev vs Kalisto, Seth Rollins Invades Norfolk

AJ Styles Backstage Interview: 

Renee mentions that it’s been a rough week for AJ Styles. Renee wants to know what’s next for AJ Styles? AJ says that since he’s came to the WWE he’s always had a chip on his shoulder because he had to prove to everybody that he belong in the WWE. AJ mentions that he was this close to becoming the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Everybody wants to know what’s next for AJ Styles? Styles says that he doesn’t know what’s next for him, but he should think of something and he walks away. 

Fourth Match: Golden Truth vs. Breezango 

Truth and Breeze starts off the match. Truth and Breeze lock on horns. Truth with a side headlock and he follows that up with two shoulder tackles. Truth with a side headlock takedown. Breeze drives Truth to the corner. Fandango is tagged in. Fandango with a dropkick for a two count.

Fandango goes for a neck breaker, but Truth counters with a leg lariat. Fandango knocks Goldust off the ring apron. Truth connects with a big back bodydrop. Truth sees that Goldust is laid out at ringside. Fandango rolls Truth up for a one count. Fandango distracts the referee as Breeze drops Truth with the Super Model Superkick which helps Fandango score the pinfall. 

Winner: Breezango 


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