TNA Impact Wrestling Results (7/5) – The Final Deletion, New Champion Crowned, Dixie Carter Returns

Jeff Hardy Segment: 

Jeff Hardy enters his home to play his guitar when all of a sudden, a miniature drone appears outside his window. Matt Hardy’s face appears on Jeff’s wall and he declares that he has targeted his brother nero with his aerial assault robots. Matt’s image disappears. along with his robots as Jeff runs outside to defend his home. Matt Hardy is shown ranting and raving about destroying Jeff Hardy and his home.

Maria Kanellis, Mike Bennett, Billy Corgan and Dixie Carter In-Ring Segment: 

Maria calls out Dixie Carter but instead Billy Corgan comes out to the ring. Maria pleads with Corgan to hear their grievances and that she should be the president of TNA and not Dixie Carter. Maria demands that it is either her or Dixie that will remain with the company. Out comes Dixie, Maria hides behind “The Miracle” because she doesn’t trust Dixie. She then begins to scream you or me repeatedly at Dixie. Carter says she is calling Maria’s bluff and that Maria is a manipulator and that Dixie hired them to make a difference in the company and not be a joke.

Mike Bennett states that he is the reason everyone watches TNA and is demanding that he is put into the main event at Destination X or he and Maria will walk. Back to more Maria “Me or You” ranting. Billy Corgan yells to defuse the situation. He compliments Maria and The Miracle and calls them children. Corgan says that Bennett blew his chance and that is backing Dixie Carter. Corgan says if Bennett and Maria want to leave, He will hold the door open for them. Bennett says he is not going to leave but instead, He is going to ruin the entire Destination X show