TNA Impact Wrestling Results (7/28) – Semi-Finals of BFG Playoffs, Lashley Confronts Moose, X-Division Ladder Match

First Match: Ethan Carter III vs. Broken Matt Hardy w/Brother Nero & Reby Hardy in a Semi-Final Match in the Bound for Glory Playoffs 

EC3 and Hardy locks up. EC3 drops Hardy with a shoulder tackle. EC3 goes for a missile dropkick off the second rope, but it’s seems like EC3 tweaked his knee. Hardy works on the leg of EC3. EC3 catapult’s Hardy over the top rope and he’s sent crashing to the floor. EC3 with a flying crossbody to Hardy on the outside. Reby grabs EC3’s leg as he comes back into the ring to slow him down. Hardy drops EC3 with a DDT for a two count. Hardy goes for a Twist of Hate, but EC3 blocks it. EC3 lands a series of clotheslines and follow’s that up with a Stinger Splash. 

EC3 goes for the TK3, but Hardy gets back on his feet and chop blocks him. Hardy pulls EC3 into the corner with the post between his legs, takes his boot off, and tries to bite his foot. EC3 scurries back into the ring, Hardy goes after him, and EC3 catches him coming in and hits the TK3. Reby is on the ring apron, EC3 shoves the ref into her and knocks Reby off the apron. Hardy and EC3 knock each other down with a double clothesline. Brother Nero throws Reby’s hammer into the ring, Hardy goes for it, but EC3 steps on the hammer to stop him. Hardy bites EC3’s leg and gets the hammer, the ref sees and takes it away. EC3 with a boot to the face of Hardy. EC3 plants Hardy with the 1 Percenter to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Ethan Carter III 


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