TNA Impact Wrestling Results (7/28) – Semi-Finals of BFG Playoffs, Lashley Confronts Moose, X-Division Ladder Match

Allie, Maria Kanellis and Gail Kim Backstage Segment: 

Allie tells Madison Rayne that Maria will see her now. Madison really caught her eye last week, and thanks her for stepping up. Madison says that she didn’t do it for her, she’s the Queen B of the Knockouts, and she’s been pushed aside by Maria so her beast of a champion and chipmunk assistant can be star players. Madison wants to know what Maria will do for her when she beats Gail Kim? Maria tells Madison that they’ll see if she beats Gail Kim.

Brother Nero & Broken Matt Hardy Backstage Segment: 

Nero is hobbling through the parking lot when Hardy comes up to him and says he ruined everything, and he must be punished. What could possibly be worse than deletion? Hardy smiles and says it’s a breaking point, because everything one loves eventually dies, then you learn to love something new.


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