TNA Impact Wrestling Results (8/18) – Major Announcement, Moose vs Edwards, James Storm Snaps

Moose & Mike Bennet Backstage Segment:

The game’s been stacked against Bennett from the start, but Moose is his gamebreaker. Moose says that Eddie is good, but he’s better and stronger, and he knocked the baddest football players on their asses, and it’s going to be easy for Eddie. Moose does what Bennett says when he says it, because he’s onto capturing the TNA World Title. 

First Match: Eddie Edwards vs. Moose w/Mike Bennett 

Edwards with a series of knife edge chops to the chest of Moose. Moose kicks Edwards in the gut. Edwards with a running boot that knocks Moose off the ring apron. Edwards connects with a flying knee strike off the ring apron. Edwards with a series of right hands to Moose. Edwards is distracted by Bennett. Moose takes advantage of the distracting by Edwards with a Bicycle Kick. Moose plants Edwards with a powerbomb on the ring apron. Moose with a dropkick to Edwards.

Moose goes for a flying crossbody, but Edwards counters with a dropkick in mid-air. Edwards follows that up with a enziguri. Bennett hops on the ring apron to distract the referee. Moose drops Edwards with a vicious clothesline for a two count. Moose goes for a Spear, but he’s sent shoulder first into the ring post. Edwards places Moose on the top rope. Edwards connects with the standing enziguri. Edwards with a top rope hurricanrana. Edwards follows that up with a suicide dive to Bennett. Edwards ascends to the top rope. Moose connects with the Go To Hell finisher off the top rope to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Moose