TNA Impact Wrestling Results (8/18) – Major Announcement, Moose vs Edwards, James Storm Snaps

Ethan Carter III, Drew Galloway and Aron Rex In-Ring Segment:

EC3 asks Drew Galloway to come out to the ring to get his answer to the challenge.  Drew Galloway comes out and EC3 says that for a snake in the grass. EC3 says that Galloway will be surprised by his answer. Galloway won’t be because he knows EC3 will say no, because he knows he can’t beat Drew and that’s why he won’t put it all on the line. Galloway has had three chances to get his title back and EC3 screwed them all up, and he just wants what’s rightfully his. 

The challenge is accepted, but the lights go out and then Aron Rex makes his entrance. Rex says that everyone’s been watching Impact Wrestling, and it’s because they’ve been making waves.  This thing between EC3 and Galloway is what he grew up watching and what he loves. Rex says he was out here talking about opportunity, and both of them want an opportunity to rise to the top, and seize the opportunity.  He’s known them both a long time and respects them both, and he’s excited to see this one, and so is everybody. He had an idea and talked to Impact management and said he wants to see a clear cut winner, so they will have a special referee, it will be Aron Rex. 


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