Lucha Underground Results (10/5) – Matanza vs Puma, Cage/Texano 2, Brand New Luchador

– We get vignette for the White Rabbit.

Ivelisse & Jeremiah Backstage Segment: 

Jeremiah apologizes to Ivelisse when he finds out that her match has already taken place. Jeremiah sees that Ivelisse is hurting and asks her about it. Ivelisse says that it’s no big deal. Ivelisse won the match, but she got jumped after the end of her match. Jeremiah says that he is going to go after the people who jumped her. No one touches Jeremiah’s girl.

Ivelisse tells him to calm down. Ivelisse doesn’t need anyone to fight her battles for her. Jeremiah disagrees and states that he has heard that the temple doors are open to everyone. Ivelisse tells Jeremiah that she wants to keep her personal life away from her professional life, especially after what happened between her and Son Of Havoc. Jeremiah calls Son of Havoc, Son of Chaos. Ivelisse tells Jeremiah to just take her home, so she can have a drink.