Figure Friday: WWE Elite 50 Rhyno (Photos)

Welcome to Figure Friday! This week we take a look at “The War Machine” Rhyno from WWE Elite 50! Thanks to everyone who voted on my Twitter again this week, I appreciate it! I got this figure on as well as this set is not in stores yet, so if you’d like to avoid hunting much like myself I suggest ordering him there! This is probably the most controversial figure in this set as I’ll get into that shortly, so let’s take a look him in the packaging!

“The War Machine” Rhyno ———————————————————- Look for an in-depth review on’s #FigureFriday later this week featuring WWE Elite 50 Rhyno! ———————————————————- Save 10% on with code MBG1211 at checkout! ———————————————————- #wwe #worldwrestlingentertainment #wwenetwork #wweuniverse #wwemattel #Rhyno #ECW #WrestleZone #wrestling #WrestlingFigures #wrestlingfigurephotography #ccw #crashcollisionwrestling #raw #smackdown #nxt #acba #actionfigures #ringsidecollectibles #mbg1211 #mbgfilms #matthewgoldberg #wfp #toyphotography #toystagram #ToyCrewBuddies #figlife #mattel

A post shared by Matthew Goldberg | mbg1211 (@mbg1211) on

Looking at Rhyno in the packaging you can see it’s based on one of his SmackDown Live appearances since the SmackDown logo is on the sides. This is his very first WWE Mattel action figure, hence why it says “First Time in the Line” on the box. He comes with the first WWE SmackDown Live tag title released in the WWE action figure line as well as a piece of the diorama to build a backdrop of the WWE Performance Center. You have to collect everyone in the set to build that display. On the back of the box there’s a larger image of Rhyno as well as some statistics, not to mention everyone else in the set including: Baron Corbin, Stephanie McMahon, Shane McMahon, John Cena and Warlord.

Moving on to Rhyno out of the packaging, here is where this figure received a ton of heat on social media. A lot of collectors complained over the shoulder joints of this figure as they’re ridiculously oversized. I agree to an extent, there are times from certain angles this figure just looks wacky. You have to remember Rhyno has a very unique build, too. Many people took Rusev figures, since he has the same skin tone, and swapped the shoulders to give him more realistic sized ones and it looked good. I personally don’t know how to do that so I haven’t attempted, but that is an option if you were unsatisfied with it.

Besides that critique, the main negative one I’ve seen and agree with to an extent, this figure is pretty nice. He has a lot of detail in his attire as well as the tattoos on his arms. His head scan looks pretty accurate as well. His arms were a bit stiff to move at first, so be careful when you go to pose him. I actually had his ankle snap on me while doing the new episode of Figure 2 Photo, which you’ll see on Monday, as his ankle joints were also extremely stiff. I would recommend running the figure under some hot water to help soften the joints before trying to pose it just to be safe. Luckily I had a spare Brock Lesnar figure to swap boots with as it’s the same boot mold. Hopefully you won’t run into that issue.

Lastly, looking at the SmackDown Live tag title, they did an awesome job. Granted the plates are just repainted from the Penny style ones awhile back but it looks much nicer in silver honestly. One thing I did notice is that the rubber strap holding the plates is a little flimsier now. I’m not sure if they did this to help it stretch to fit around larger figures like Rhyno or what, but I’m sure you can expect the belts to be like this moving forward, which isn’t a bad thing. If you’ve never had a figure with a belt they have notches and holes to size the belt accordingly to whatever figure you’re putting it on.

Gore Through The Stage! ———————————————————- Look for an in-depth review on’s #FigureFriday tomorrow featuring WWE Elite 50 Rhyno as well as a NEW episode of #Figure2Photo showing the making of this photo on the WrestleZone Facebook & YouTube channel on Monday! ———————————————————- Save 10% on with code MBG1211 at checkout! ———————————————————- #wwe #worldwrestlingentertainment #wwenetwork #wweuniverse #wwemattel #Rhyno #ChrisJericho #WrestleZone #wrestling #WrestlingFigures #wrestlingfigurephotography #ccw #crashcollisionwrestling #raw #smackdown #nxt #acba #actionfigures #ringsidecollectibles #mbg1211 #mbgfilms #matthewgoldberg #wfp #toyphotography #toystagram #ToyCrewBuddies #figlife #mattel

A post shared by Matthew Goldberg | mbg1211 (@mbg1211) on

Overall, it’s not a bad figure honestly. It gets crapped on due to the shoulders, which are pretty wacky but I think that’s to help it sync with his thick biceps/arms. The only thing missing from this figure is his tray of cheese and crackers, which would’ve been hilarious if they included it. I do recommend this figure if you can look past his arms as it is still cool. I don’t know if we’ll see any throwback figures of him from his early WWE days or even ECW days either, so I’d suggest picking him up now. I honestly don’t see them making him again anytime soon. Hopefully we’ll get a Heath Slater to go with him though! He’s got kids after all! As mentioned before if you want to pick this up now be sure to get him on, they even have a sale going on so now is a great time to pick up several at once as that’s what I did!

Anyway, thanks for tuning into this week’s Figure Friday! I hope you enjoyed the few bonus reviews of the Jada Toys WWE Metals Die Cast figures as well as the Loot Crate WWE Slam Crate Slam Stars Steve Austin figure. Check out those articles if you haven’t done so already!

Look for a new episode of Figure 2 Photo this upcoming Monday on the WrestleZone Facebook and YouTube channels featuring the recreation of Rhyno’s Gore to Jericho on SmackDown. In the meantime, if you’d like to keep up with myself and my wrestling figure projects/news give me a follow on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube!

Thanks and I’ll see you next week!