GFW Impact Destination X Results (8/17): Multiple Returns, Super X Cup Finals, Lashley vs Sydal!

Cornette says hello to Konnan and Low-Ki. Konnan says they replaced on lying cracker for another lying cracker. Cornette says he may be a cracker, but he isn’t a liar. Konnan says Low-Ki shouldn’t have to be in a gauntlet match. Low-Ki should face the winner of the gauntlet match. Low-Ki tells Cornette that he can respect Cornette’s position but all he can smell right now is fear. Cornette tells Low-Ki that he realizes that Low-Ki is getting the shaft and he feels for him. This decision came straight from corporate. Cornette says Low-Ki will have to compete in the Gauntlet match but he will enter at number 20. All of LAX descends on Cornette. Cornette says if anyone touches him they will spend the night in jail. Konnan tells Cornette that jail is nothing to LAX but for Cornette, they could probably get a cup of soup and a honey bun for Cornette’s fine white ass. Cornette tells Konnan he may not like what he has to say but he will be able to believe it.

Super X Cup Finals: Taiji Ishimori vs Dezmond Xavier

Ishimori takes Xavier down with a head scissor. Xavier kicks out of it. Standing switch leads to multiple leap frogs and a dropkick by Xavier. Xavier walks right into a back flip spinning head scissors by Ishimori. Xavier is sent out of the ring. Pop up gut buster by Ishimori. Xavier rolls into the corner. Ishimori chokes Xavier in the corner. Ishimori locks in a body scissors. Xavier sends Ishimori into the corner. Ishimori takes Xavier down with a springboard seated senton. Running double knees by Ishimori. Ishimori misses his headstand stomp. Xavier rolls up Ishimori for a two count. Xavier tries a hurricanrana, but Ishimori turns it into the ally oop.



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