GFW Impact Results (10/26) Moose Takes On Bobby Lashley, Final Hype For Bound For Glory!

GFW Impact Results – 10/26/17GFW Impact Results

October 26th, 2017

Report By Lovell Porter for

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Impact is taking place from five different locations. We start the show in Irapuato, Mexico at AAA.

Highlights of a tag match between EC3 and Eddie Edwards vs Pagano and Fantasma. Texano hits the ring to cause the disqualification. “Cowboy” James Storm makes the save.

“Cowboy” James Storm and EC3 vs Texano and Fantasma 

Texano and rolls out of the ring. Storm and EC3 stomp Fantasma in the corner. Leaping clothesline by Storm. Storm whips Fantasma into a clothesline by EC3. Ec3 finds Texano on the outside and clocks him with a right hand. All four men battle outside the ring. EC3 bring Texano back into the ring. Back suplex for a near fall by Ec3. EC3 bodyslams Fantasma. EC3 holds up Fantasma. Storm tries a clothesline but Fantasma ducks. Storm clotheslines EC3. Texano brings his bull rope into the ring. Fantasma and Texano attack EC3 with it. Texano and Fantasma low blow Storm with the rope. Fantasma gets a near fall after a crossbody. Fantasma sets up a dive to the outside. Texano trips Fantasma! Texano goes up top but Fantasma pushes Storm into Texano! EC3 calls for the One Percenter but Fantasma reverses it into a compactor driver. Texano pushes Fantasma out of the way and tries to pin EC3. Fantasma breaks up the pin with a punt kick to Texano. Storm hits the Last Call on Fantasma for the win.

Winners- “Cowboy” James Storm and EC3