Kazuchika Okada
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NJPW Road To New Beginning Results (2/6) Okada & Goto Attempt To Be Double Champions

SIXTH MATCH: Ryusuke Taguchi, Michael Elgin & Togi Makabe vs. Suzuki-gun (Minoru Suzuki, Takashi Iizuka & Taichi)

Makabe storms Suzuki to start and pummels him on the ropes. Suzuki and Makabe tag out and then battle all the way to the backstage area. They brawl back to ringside. Suzuki hits Makabe with a chair while the referee is distracted. He then chokes Makabe with the title while the referee counts. Taichi is standing in the ring while utter chaos is breaking out at ringside. Elgin has seemingly vanished.

Taichi hits Taguchi with the ring bell. Taichi rips off his pants and gets hits with a dropkick from Taguchi. Suzuki clears the apron. Iizuka tags in and stomps away while Suzuki uses a Kimura on Makabe at ringside. Iizuka is chewing on Taguchi’s boot. Iizuka eats Taguchi’s butt.

Elgin hits a slingshot splash on Iizuka and then a running clothesline on Taichi. Elgin chews on Iizuka’s boot and then hits German Suplex. Elgin goes for an Elgin Bomb but Iizuka counters. Iizuka pulls rope out of his tights but gets his face bit by Elgin. Iizuka hits an Inverted Atomic Drop. Suzuki and Makabe tag in and pummel each other with forearms. Makabe hits a Northern Lights Suplex for two.

Suzuki hits a running boot ot the corner and goes for a PK but Makabe catches it. Suzuki locks in the Rear Naked but Makabe backed him into the corner. Taguchi tags in. Suzuki hits a Hangman Sleeper on Makabe from the second rope. Taguchi hits a hip attack but gets locked in a Heel Hook and submits.

WINNERS: Suzuki-gun.

After the match, a wild brawl and Suzuki refuses Makabe’s title challenge.

SEVENTH MATCH: CHAOS (Gedo, Will Ospreay & YOSHI-HASHI) vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, Hiromu Takahashi & Tetsuya Naito)

Wild brawl to start. Everyone beats on their rivals in the crowd. Yoshi-Hashi rushes Naito in the corner, but gets taken out by Bushi. Takahashi enters and takes out Yoshi-Hashi and everyone ends up back in the crowd. At ringside, BUSHI tries to rip out Gedo’s beard.

Naito and Yoshi-Hashi break the count at eighteen. BUSHI enters and chokes Yoshi-hashi with a t-shirt. BUSHI continues to dominate Yoshi-Hahsi and locks in an STF. Yoshi-Hashi makes it to the ropes.

Naito tags in and pummels Yoshi-Hashi in the corner and then stomps a mudhole in him. Naito ducks a haymaker and hits an Enziguri. Naito hits the leg-trip/Springboard Dropkick. Naito hits a running Dropkick. Hiromu tags in and chops away at Yoshi-Hashi’s chest. Hiromu and BUSHI hit a tandem move for two and then all of LIJ stomps on Yoshi-Hashi.

Yoshi-Hashi hits a superkick on Hiromu and tags in Ospreay. Ospreay takes out BUSHI and Hiromu and then hits a Tiger Feint Kick. Hiromu blocks a splash but Ospreay comes back for a two count. Both men try to gain the upperhand. Hiromu hits a Belly To Belly into the turnbuckle.

BUSHI tags in. Gedo tags in and the two exchange strikes. Gedo hits a haymaker and a Jawbreaker. Bushi hits a missile dropkick and then does a BUSHIroonie. BUSHI hits the Fisherman Neckbreaker for two.

Gedo blocks the Enziguri but BUSHI blocks the Gedo Clutch. Complete Shot from Gedo and both men are down. Yoshi-Hashi tags in and clears the apron. Yoshi-Hashi hits a Suplex Neckbreaker for two.

Yoshi-Hashi chops away at BUSHI’s chest. Hiromu runs in and hits a corner clothesline and then stereo dropkicks with Naito. Ospreay dives to the outside. Yoshi-Hashi hits a Western Lariat on BUSHI and then hits Karma for the pinfall.


After the match, Gedo steals BUSHI’s mask and everyone brawls.