impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (3/22) Feast or Fired Results, More

Knockouts Championship Match: Allie (c) vs Sienna

Before the bell rings Sienna attacks Allie. Sienna stomps Allie in the corner. Sienna misses a corner splash. Corner clothesline by Allie. Allie lands multiple forearms shots in the corner. Sienna catches Allie with a boot. Allie tries a cross body. Sienna catches Allie and hits a fallaway slam. Sienna only gets a two count. Sienna chocks Allie in the corner. Sienna picks up Allie but Allie reverses it into a backstabber. Allie dropkicks Sienna in the butt. Allie hits the Code Breaker. Sienna kicks out. Allie misses a superkick. Sienna discus lariats Allie. Sienna setups a powerbomb. Allie flips out of it and finally hits her superkick for the win.

Winner and STILL Knockouts Champion, Allie!

After the match, Braxton Sutter comes out the ring. Sutter tries to plead his case for a reconciliation. Sutter is trying to figure out what is important. He is trying to find the valuable things in life. When he closes his eyes he sees Laural, err, Allie. Yes, Sutter called Allie Laural. Sutter proposes to Allie. Su Yung attacks Allie from behind. Su Young hits the Panic Switch on Allie. Sutter held out his arms for a hug. Yung slinks out of the ring.

Backstage, EC3… well… take a look at this: