Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR

ROH Supercard Of Honor XVII Results: Cody or Kenny? Dalton or Scurli?

Match #9: Cody Rhodes def. Kenny Omega

Cody gets a lot of heat for coming out with Bury The Bear and the Louisiana State Police escort. Cody is wearing eye patch as well. Omega may as well be Elvis with the reaction the live crowd gave him. Bury got involved early hitting Omega as he bounced off the ropes leading to Omega doing a baseball slide into Bury and knocking off his head. Omega then threw the head to the crowd which got a HUGE reaction and there was some scuffling amongst the fans about who got to wear the head. Cody teased hitting Goldust’s Shattered Dreams on Omega, even going so far as to do Goldust’s taunt where he feels up his chest before not delivering the move and flipping off the crowd. Brandi and Cody then worked together to keep the ref distracted and hit Omega with various eye rakes and low blows. Cody gets Omega in a figure four and the two battle until Kenny is able to flip it and get to the ropes. Lots of tension. Cody clears the ringside table and sets it up on it’s side outside the ring. He takes Kenny and drops him ribs first across the edge of it. The two keep battling and Cody and Brandi decide to move the table parallel to the side of the ring. Cody teases hitting Crossroads on Omega to the outside through the table by Omega blocks him. Eventually the two are back in the ring and Brandi hops up on the ring apron. After some back and forth Omega hits Brandi with a knee and sends her crashing through the table. Huge pop. Cody takes advantage of the commotion and hits Omega with Crossroads for a nearfall. “This Is Awesome” chants are echoing throughout the building. After a superplex to Omega Cody takes off his belt, whips Omega and then goes for a moonsault… which he misses. Omega then hits Cody with a series of knees leading to Cody spitting in his face. Omega answers the spit with a hard running knee to his face, goes for the pinfall and Cody somehow manages to kick out to a huge reaction. Omega goes for the One Winged Angel but Cody reverses it into an Vertibreaker. Cody goes for the Crossroads again only to have Omega push them both into the corner laying out the ref. The Young Bucks come out, debate who to Superkick, decide on Cody and accidentally kick Kenny instead! Cody hits Crossroads for the win.

Match #10: Dalton Castle def. Marty Scurll to retain the ROH World Championship

The crowd is very fatigued following Cody vs Kenny. Dalton and Marty do a good job of getting the crowd into their bout despite that and the big turn of the match comes when Dalton splashes white power in Marty’s face. Marty is blinded and attacks the ref before getting his crossface chicken wing on Dalton. Dalton tries to counter a few times before successfully escaping. Marty then gets his umbrella and begins to lay waste to Dalton and The Boys who one at a time pop up on the apron. Dalton finally manages to overcome the odds for the pinfall victory to retain his title

Apologies, my laptop died just before the main event so our coverage was slightly delayed. Overall the show was very good albeit a little long. Hard to argue that Cody vs Kenny wasn’t an all-time classic. Those two went in there and told a fantastic story and had the crowd in the palm of their hands the entire time. Kudos to everyone involved.