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WWE RAW Results For 8/27: Kevin Owens Quits, Trish Stratus Appears, Can Braun And Roman Coexist?

Kevin Owens is still sitting in the ring following his loss to Seth Rollins, and is starting to tear up as he sits in a folding chair. He simply says ‘I quit!’ and walks away, taking off his wrist tape as he walks under the set and goes backstage.

Renee Young talks to Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre about their challenge to Roman Reigns and Braun Strowman, and Dolph says it’s all about opportunity. Drew says Roman had back-to-back title matches so he’s not physically right just yet, and Braun’s mind isn’t right because he’s got Money In The Bank coming up. Dolph says there’s no way that team is right, and Drew says the locker room sees Braun and Roman as top dogs, but he sees them as the wounded and ready for slaughter.

The B Team vs The Revival 

Dawson attacks Axel in the corner and keeps him grounded, then we get back from a break to see Bo getting kept down on the mat. Bo makes a comeback, pulling the ropes down on Dawson, then Axel tags in and connects with a snapmare and a kneelift for two. Axel goes for a Perfect Plex but Dawson blocks it, then Dash and Bo run in as Dawson and Axel trade pinfalls. Dash throws Bo outside and tags in, then The Revival hits the Shatter Machine to win.

Winners – The Revival

Following the match, The Revival take the titles and say they are sick of the division being a joke, and it’s The B Team’s fault. They say they just proved they can take the titles at any time, Top Guys out.

Elias comes out and performs his latest concert, then rips on the Toronto crowd before Trish Stratus interrupts him. Elias says she took a minute from changing diapers to come see him, and he’s developed into a really big deal since she’s been gone. Trish says she won’t let him mock her hometown, and tells Elias to silence his cellphone and shut his mouth. Elias takes a shot at the Toronto Maple Leafs never winning a Stanley Cup, to which Trish replies by saying ‘just like he won’t win a WWE Championship.’ Trish rolls off a few career highlights and talks about WWE Evolution, then tells Elias he should take his guitar and leave. Elias makes a joke about not rolling with Trish because she’s old, then she smacks him in the face as Ronda Rousey and Natalya head to the ring.

Alexa Bliss and Alicia Fox also appear on the stage, with Alexa mocking Trish ahead of their upcoming match before setting her sights on Ronda. Alexa says Ronda failed to break her arm at Summerslam, so she’s invoking her rematch clause at Hell In A Cell. Alexa tells Trish they also have a friend for her here tonight to even things up, and introduces Mickie James.