Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “Elimination Chamber Sets Up Months of Questions”

Tag Team Action

wwe smackdownLucha Dragons pick up a win on Smackdown against Cesaro/Kidd, The Ascension and Los Matadores. The action was fast-paced and I thought that, with the amount of time, all teams had a little bit of their offense in it. I am all about depth in this struggling division, so I do not want to contradict  my previous feelings towards some of these teams.

I think the fans and management know that Lucha Dragons are still very green and still need time on the main roster before getting to hold the tag team championships. I wonder if they will become champions before their NXT rivals, The Ascension. If you asked me this 3 months ago, I would have laughed and said Viktor and Konnor will certainly hold it before them. Now, I am not so sure.

 Is there anyway that The New Day actually loses inside Elimination Chamber? There is not a team, right now, that garners as much of a crowd reaction than them. Negative or positive, the crowd loves hating them.

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 Dolph Ziggler vs King Barrett

King Barrett hits Dolph a few times before Dolph hits a neckbreaker. Winds of change and an elbow to Ziggler gives Barrett the upper hand. Back from break, we see King throw a few strikes before calling for a Bullhammer, but Dolph counters it and connects with a superkick. Dolph goes for a DDT, but it is reversed and Dolph reverses Barrett to hit Zig Zag and pick up the win.

Good action between both guys tonight, with Ziggler getting the upper hand at the end. I like watching these two go at it, especially since they have such chemistry and experience together. The victory to Ziggler makes Barrett losing clean hard for me to swallow. What is the point of being a King if you are consistently booked the same way? Shouldn’t he try to dominate the competition on a weekly basis, or even just win consistently? Is Dolph in a point where he NEVER has to win? We want to see him win, but no losses really hurt him.

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