WWE RAW Results (9/5) – Alberto Returns, Responds To Cena


CM Punk comes and sits in the ring and says he is going to say something that may not be very shocking. He tells everyone he is different, and he says he is the best wrestler in the world, but he backs it up in the ring and he tends to piss alot of people off. He wants to kick Kevin Nash in the face because as different as Punk is, Nash is the same boring person he has been most of his career. He still doesn't buy HHH and Nash being at odds, because he thinks Nash will be in HHH's corner, so Punk wants him to do something different and come face him like a man.

Nash makes his way out after a little taunting, and he tells Punk he does what he wants and fights whoever he wants, just like when he powerbombed Punk last week. Punk says he is full of excuses and makes fun of his past gimmicks, and Nash asks him what he thinks will happen if he goes to the ring. HHH did him a favor by changing the match because Nash would have killed him, but Punk says he is all talk and Nash hasn't been relevant since 1994. Punk tells him to keep walking down because it is not about HHH, and it's about them and how Punk will always get back up to fight back.

HHH interrupts him and walks to the ramp where Nash says Punk is a cancer and he needs to get rid of him. HHH ignores Nash and gets in the ring, then says he would normally get rid of him and forgive Nash for shoving him last week, but he got a strange call this week. He says there is footage of the Staples Center and it shows people going in and out of HHH's office, but the guy who sent the text was Nash himself. Nash tells him he did lie and he did what HHH couldn't get done, because he is making WWE cool again and they need to get rid of one of them. HHH tells him he has no problem with that, but Punk has never lied to him so if he has to… Nash yells at him then asks what he will do about it. Nash shoves him and HHH decks him then tells him they were friends before but now Nash is fired.