Complete 9/20 WWE NXT Redemption Results

WWE NXTResults Courtesy of

Pre-Show Note:

This has to be the emptiest WWE TV taping in years. The ENTIRE side of the arena that the hard camera is shooting from is completely curtained off. Everyone is sitting on the side opposite the camera, like at a TNA on the road TV Taping.

Dark Match:

*Trent Baretta defeated Leo Krueger from WWE developmental.


The Showtime Percy Watson Show – Couches are set up and Watchson introduces his guest Titus O'Neil. They talk about going after the WWE Tag Team titles after the season is over (will it ever end?) Darren Young and JTG come out and argue over which team is better and they brawl.

*AJ defeated Maxine.

*Backstage, Maxine bumps into Hornswoggle and tells him she saw AJ spending time with Titus O'Neil while he was away. Hornswoggle leaves distraught. Maxine sees Derrick Bateman talking to Tyson Kidd and tells at him for not being there for her match. She tells him they are close to breaking up AJ and Hornswoggle and start making out.

*Yoshi Tatsu defeated Derrick Bateman by DQ when Tyson Kidd interfered.

*Backstage, AJ is looking for Hornswoggle. She come across Titus and gives him a hug, asking if he's seen Horny. Titus says he saw him earlier. Hornswoggle sees the hug and when AJ tries to talk to him, he just walks away.

*JTG & Darren Young defeated Percy Watson & Titus O'Neil. The Usos brawl with JTG and Young to close the show.