Woman Upset At WWE For Del Rio Ripping Sign, Writes Letter To WWE

TMZ is reporting Shelly Ehler took her 8-year-old son to a WWE live event and he left in tears.

Her son had a sign for Sheamus, who was taking on Alberto Del Rio that night, and Del Rio ripped his sign.

Ehler said her son was instantly terrified of Del Rio's actions and she called Del Rio a bully.

Del Rio would go on to mock her son crying.

Ehler wrote an angry letter to WWE officials and says, '"Take signs from adults NOT KIDS! My son was bullied by your superstars and it is not okay."

Ehler goes on to say Ricardo Rodriguez mocked her on Twitter but Sheamus offered to send her son a signed photo and meet him next time he's in town.

The following is video of the incident: