impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (11/18) – Week 7 of the TNA World Title Series, Hardy/EC3 Interview, Roode vs Abyss

Eric Young Promo: 

Young says that this will be James Storms last chance. The best thing for Storm to do is to not show up. Tonight is not a goodnight to be mess with Young. Young says that if Storms comes to the ring tonight he will get hurt. He told Storm not to come, so cross him and see what happens. Young calls Storm a shadow of his former self and there was a time that he would be scared to get into the ring with him. Storm is nothing. Young is a world class athlete, man and maniac. 

Second Match: Group X-Division’s Tigre Uno vs. Manik in a TNA World Title Series Match 

Tigre Uno dropkicks Manik out of the ring. Uno with a plancha over the top rope. Manik plants Uno on the ring apron. Manik with a suplex to Uno on the ramp. Manik with a shoulder tackle for a two count. Manik with a boot to the shoulder of Uno. He continues to take control of Uno with uppercuts in the corner. He rakes the eyes of Uno. Manik with a vertical and a back suplex for a one count. Manik goes to work on Uno’s back with a backbreaker. Uno looks to regain some momentum with a DDT to Manik. Uno with a kick to the back of the head of Manik. Uno goes up top and Manik knocks Uno off the top turnbuckle. Uno with a dropkick. Manik with a sitout scoop slam for a two count. Uno with a running dropkick to Manik in the corner. Uno with twisting senton splash. Uno with the Sabertooth Splash to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Tigre Uno + 3 Points 

TNA World Title Series Announcement: 

With Manik’s victory tonight Josh Mathews inform us that next week, three will be a three way elimination match between DJ Z, Manik, and Tigre Uno. The winner of the first fall leaves and the other two continue on until a second pinfall happens, and whoever loses that fall is out and the other two move on.