WrestleZone’s Depth Chart Results – Sheamus or CM Punk?

Bobby Roode4) Bobby Roode: Currently the longest reigning title holder in both WWE and TNA, Bobby Roode is nothing short of a dominant World Champion. With wins over AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, Sting and now James Storm there doesn’t seem to be anybody capable of taking the belt from around his waist. The question now isn’t can he beat RVD at Sacrifice, it’s how he’ll do it! 

Randy Orton


3) Randy Orton: You can argue that his feud with Kane has been largely unimportant, but you can’t argue with this: in a matter of 10 days Orton has defeated Jack Swagger, Kane (twice), Cody Rhodes (twice) and Mark Henry. You would think that dismantling that many top heels (and Jack Swagger…) would put him in line for Sheamus’ World Heavyweight title, right? Unfortunately, the WWE doesn’t believe in justice (read: face vs face interaction), and they’ve given the ball once again to Captain Killjoy, Alberto del Rio.