Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction July 11th, 2013

Bully RayThe Main Events

Magnus wins the Gauntlet Battle Royal Match featuring the Bound For Glory opponents. It was a creative match and was entertaining to watch. The ending came down to Bobby Roode and Magnus, who had a handful of minutes to work together in the match. Magnus would reverse a Fisherman's Suplex and rolls up Roode for the win. Here is what Bound For Glory has told me thus far.

1. TNA is trying so hard to make a new star and that guy is Magnus. They are giving him cheap wins, but wins nonetheless. Magnus needs to get more solid victories instead of rollup pins. Magnus has the look TNA wants. Will it work? Time will tell.

2. TNA still does not know where the AJ Styles character change is going to end up. With him involved in the tournament, Styles' evolution is somewhat halted because he is muddled in with a handful of other guys.

3. Mr. Anderson is still so much better in WWE.

4. Bound For Glory should not have Joseph Park involved in it. Instead, they need to give us guys that we want to see. Nobody wants to see him or Jay Bradley.

Main Event Mafia Gets 5 Member

The end of the night features Chris Sabin making his decision on trading in the X-Division Championship for a shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Sabin talks about his injuries and the doctors not telling him to wrestle again. Out comes Bully Ray, who says Sabin has no chance against him. Sabin trades the title in for a world title shot. He gets surrounded by the Aces and Eights but Sting and the Main Event Mafia come out. They announce Rampage Jackson as the newest member of the group. Sabin stares down a shocked Bully Ray as Impact goes off the air.

If Rampage is a member of the MEM, then he needs to be there every single week. Will he be used to his fullest capacity? Probably not. Rampage is an interesting pick because he is a nostalgia act. I really wonder why they used him. Maybe it is because they wanted a big name and have nobody else to use? Either way, this puzzles me.

Grade: C+

Impact Wrestling Grade: B-

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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