Wrestlezone Ranks Every WrestleMania — Part Three: Best in the World


The biggest mistake WWE made at WrestleMania XXV was having anyone follow the epic collision between Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker. It screwed up the entire pacing off the show, as five of the company’s biggest stars attempted to live up to a masterpiece that drained the life out of 70,000+ packed into Reliant Stadium. 

They fixed the problem with WrestleMania XXVI, letting Michaels and the Deadman close out the night with another incredible performance to end one of the greatest careers in the history of professional wrestling. There’s nothing to say about this match that hasn’t already been said – if you haven’t seen it, stop whatever you’re doing and resolve the issue immediately. 

With the proper bout in the main event spot, the rest of the card had the chance to crescendo appropriately. The undercard was solid – nothing came close to stealing the show, but nothing was close to being bad either. CM Punk and Rey Mysterio had the kind of match you know could have been excellent, given more than 7 minutes to work. 

The real star of the midcard was Chris Jericho defending the World Heavyweight Championship against Edge. On a different WrestleMania line-up this may have been the show-stealer. 

The only low points of this show are a 10-Diva tag match and the WWE tag title match that kicked off the show; both total less than 7 minutes of the four hour program.