WWE NXT Worlds Collide Results

WWE NXT Worlds Collide Results (9/4/22)

NXT and NXT UK Championship Unification Match: Bron Breakker (c) vs. Tyler Bate (c)

A “Tyler Two-Belts” chant breaks out as Bate and Breakker circle each other. After a lock-up, neither man can get an advantage. Breakker barks and the crowd joins in. Side headlock by Breakker. Bate tries to escape but Breakker holds on. Both Breakker and Bate try their finishes but neither can hit. Both men trade pinfall attempts. Both men kip up to their feet.

Bates takes Breakker down with a wrist lock. Bate confuses Breakker with the Johnny Saint Special. Breakker retreats to the corner after he kicks out of a sunset flip. Bate works an armbar. Frankensteiner by Breakker. Delay verticle suplex by Breakker. Breakker lands a beautiful standing moonsault for a near fall. Gator roll by Breakker. Head scissor takeover by Bate. Bate sends Breakker out of the ring with a dropkick.

Bate lands a dive over the top. Breakker avoids a running shooting star press by Bate. Bate hits the ropes and gets caught with the Steiner powerslam. Bate and Breakker crash through the ropes. Breakker goes up top. Bate cuts him off and sets up a superplex. Breakker pushes Bate off the top. Breakker dives right into a snap exploder. Running shooting star by Bate. Breakker kicks out. Bate gets a near fall after reversing a suplex.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT 2.0 Results (8/30/22)

Breakker tries another Frankensteiner but Bate turns it into a powerbomb. Breakker kicks out. Bate sits Breakker on the top rope. Bate sets up an avalanche exploder. Breakker pushes Bate to the mat. Breakker hits the Steiner bulldog. Bate kicks out. Breakker hits a suplex bomb for another near fall. Breakker and Bate trade strikes. Bate tries bop and bang but Breakker counters with a Fujiwara armbar.

Bate stands up into an airplane spin into a DVD. Breakker kicks out. Breakker sends Bate into the ropes. Bate bounces off the ropes and lands a lariat. Breakker kicks out. Bate sets up the Tyler Driver ’97 but Breakker turns it into a pin. Bate bridges out and hits a nasty Tyler Driver ’97. Breakker kicks out at 2.9. Bate goes up top. Breakker grabs him by the throat into a gorilla press powerslam. Bate gets his foot on the rope. Bate counters a spear with bop and bang. Bate tries another slingshot clothesline but Breakker cuts him in half with a spear. Breakker pins Bate.

Winner and NEW Unified NXT and NXT UK Champion, Bron Breakker!



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