Bret Hart’s Ex-Wife Talks About Rumors Of His WWE Return

…continued from page two

"No.  No.  Absolutely not.  Again, I’ll use (my brother’s death) as a comparison.  I was, right away, (saying) he made that decision.  He did it on his own.  It’s what he wanted, whereas my sister Michelle blamed it on other things.  My mom blamed it on foul play.  I said, no.  It’s his responsibility.  He decided to do it.  You can’t blame anybody else.  And it is, it’s Chris’s decision and it had nothing to do with Vince McMahon or whatever.  It was his time. =2 0He decided to do it and that was it.  You can’t blame anybody for that."

Another subject that comes up for Julie is whether she was ever offered a storyline to work for WWE.  She answers that question along with talk about how WWF wanted to downplay Bret’s family life at first, the current WWE wrestler she would love to work an angle with (and it’s a surprising one), her favorite wrestler (and it’s not a Hart,) Tiger Mask, and much more.  That’s when JG asks the standard question.  Besides the wrestler she named earlier in the interview, if Julie could work with anyone in wrestling on TV, who would it be?

"Can I make a joke?  (laughs)  I’d like to kick the sh*t out of Bret Hart in the ring.  (laughs and gasps)  No, I’m just kidding.  Oh my God!  I’ll get a tons of flack for that one."

James laughs and repeats back as he’s writing., "Hang on.  Let me make sure I’m getting that down.  Wants – to – kick – the…"

And there it is.

Other Bret Hart to WWE links:

Photo gallery: Bret Hart on radio talking WWE return rumors

Radio transcript: What did Bret Hart say about a WWE return?

Backstage news: Find out the real story behind a potential full-time Bret Hart return to WWE