WWE RAW Results (7/11) – Punk Negotiates In Ring


WWE RAW Results

July 11th 2011

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

CM Punk comes out with a megaphone to start this week’s RAW, and he is handed a microphone then he sits in the middle of the ring. He asks if he has everyone’s attention now, and recaps the past two weeks about his actions and resulting suspension, and says he got suspended because he has the balls to say the truth. He calls everyone a bunch of ass kissers and says he is reinstated, and his megaphone is backup in case he gets cut off again. Punk says Vince is bending over backwards to resign him, and all he ever wanted was the mic, because the mic is power and he is the hottest thing in wrestling today. Vince sees it now because Punk made WWE socially relevant, because all you ever hear about wrestling is that someone died. He talks about all the people who want him on their show and says if Vince was this nice five years ago he wouldn’t be this angry.

Punk sits back down in the ring and he says he knows Vince will try to negotiate, but Vince also likes to do new things, and he thinks they should negotiate live in the ring. He also thinks he will do one more thing and have Vince join the CM Punk kiss my ass club! John Cena comes out and says if he wants to talk they can talk and Punk mocks him. Punk thanks him for getting him reinstated to a job that he didn’t want, because now he is going to change the look of the title when he beats Cena. He says it’s been ugly for far too long, and he doesn’t have to worry about being fired because it won’t happen. It lasted about a week last year, and he doesn’t have to worry about it because Vince won’t do it. Cena says he is sick of hearing Punk run his mouth and he should think about who he is facing in Chicago. Cena is the best because he has the WWE title and he earned it, and he beat everybody before him. He says he is going to Money In The Bank in Chicago and he is going to whip Punk’s ass.

Cole interrupts with an email and says Vince is on his way to negotiate with Punk, but he thinks Cena should be in action if it is his last night on RAW. He is told to stay in the ring because he will be in a special match next.