Lucha Underground Results (1/27) – Mil Muertes vs. Ivelisse, New Champion Crowned

First Match: Fenix (c) vs. King Cuerno for the Gift of the Gods Championship 

Cuerno with a wrist lock to Fenix. Fenix with a armdrag takedown to Cuerno. Cuerno with a leg swept for a one count. Fenix misses on a enizguri attempt as Cuerno rolls to the outside. Fenix goes for the baseball slide, but Cuerno DDT’s Fenix from the ring apron. Cuerno connects with the suicide dive. Cuerno rolls Fenix back into the ring and gets a two count. Fenix with a springboard dropkick off the second rope. Fenix with a springboard armdrag to Cuerno. Fenix continues to dominate Cuerno with a springboard cutter. Fenix connects with a corkscrew splash onto Cuerno on the outside. Fenix with the running boot to Cuerno. Cuerno connects on a running forearm.

Fenix superkicks Cuerno. Cuerno fires back with a dropkick. Cuerno whips Fenix to the ropes and Fenix connects with the springboard stunner. Fenix with armbar, but Cuerno counters with a surfboard submission hold. Cuerno is on the top rope and Fenix connects with a uppercut. Fenix with the La Garra del Fenix to the back of the head of Cuerno for a two count. Cuerno with the Thrill of the Hunt for a two count. Cuerno drives Fenix in the corner and chops him in the chest. Fenix with a superkick to Cuerno. Fenix goes for a Corkscrew Somersault Slam, but Cuerno counters with a Tombstone/Inverted Package Piledriver to pickup the victory. 

Winner: New Gift of the Gods Champion King Cuerno 


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