WWE Money in the Bank Results (6/19) – Rollins/Reigns, Cena vs Styles, Who’s Mr. Money in the Bank?

First Match: The New Day (c) vs. Enzo Amore & Big Cass vs. The Club vs. The Vaudevillians in a Fatal Four Way Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship 

Anderson and Kofi starts off this match. Anderson applies a side headlock. Anderson with a shoulder tackle. Both run the ropes and Kofi lands a spinning back elbow for a one count. Anderson drives Kofi to the corner and tags in Gallows. Gallows lands a series of haymakers to the gut of Kofi in the corner. The Club tries to double team Kofi, but their knock down by missile dropkicks from Kofi and Enzo. Enzo tags himself in. Kofi rolls Enzo up for a one count. Kofi applies a waist lock and transitions into a wrist lock. Enzo with a side headlock takedown. Kofi with a side headlock takedown of his own. Both men have a stare off. Enzo reaches for the tag, but Kofi kicks Enzo in the ribs. Enzo tags in Big Cass. Kofi tags in Big E.

Cass knocks Gotch off the ring apron. English tags himself in. Big E drops English with the belly to belly suplex. Big E with a flying splash to English who’s laid flat on the ring apron. A donnie brooke breaks out as all tag teams begin to brawl. Cass clotheslines English over the top rope. Enzo, Big Cass and The New Day have a stare off. English with a boot to the face of Kofi. English stomps on Kofi’s chest in the corner. English places Kofi on the top rope. English tags in Gotch. Gotch with a vicious boot to the shoulder of Kofi. Gotch applies a armbar. Gotch tags in English. Kofi with a jawbreaker to English. Anderson tags himself in. Kofi knocks Gallows off the ring apron. Anderson and Kofi knock each other down with a double clothesline. Kofi tags in Enzo. Enzo with a series of right hands to English.

Gallows lowers the bottom rope and Enzo is sent crashing to the outside. English tags in Gallows. Gallows lands a big boot for a two count. Enzo with a Tornado DDT to Gallows. Anderson and Big Cass are tagged in. Cass clears the ring. Cass tosses Big E to the outside. Big Cass with a bodyslam and follows that up with the Empire Elbow. Big Cass lands a big boot that sends English crashing to the outside. Big Cass launches Enzo in the air with the Rocket Launcher for a two count as Gallows drags Enzo out of the ring. Gotch tags in Kofi. Gotch ducks a Trouble of Paradise from Kofi. Vaudevillains with the Whirling Dervish for a two count. Big E spears Gotch out of the ring. Kofi plants English with a DDT. Big E goes for the Big Ending, but Anderson counters with a Bicycle Kick. The Club plants Kofi with the Magic Killer. Big E gets Anderson in the position for the Big Ending. Big Cass with a big boot that sends Gallows over the top rope. The New Day with the Midnight Hour to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Still WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day 


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