TNA Impact Wrestling Results (6/28) – 3-Way Main Event, X-Division Battle Royal, Matt Hardy Addresses Brother Nero

Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy In-Ring Promo: 

Matt wants Reby to drive him around ringside, so he can look these idiots in the face. Matt wants everybody to know that he’s responsible for the success of the Hardy’s and Brother Nero. Matt says that the creatures fault because he’s stuck in a wheel chair. Matt calls Brother Nero a monster. Matt wants Brother Nero to come down to the ring because he has some things he needs to get off his chest. Jeff wants to know what his brother wants? Matt wants this to end and calls him a persistent creature. Jeff says that the creatures inspire him to kick asses like Matt. Matt needs one more match. He needs to win. Matt need redemption and salvation. Matt tells Jeff to give 6 weeks to recover and they will have one final match.

Matt will make the stipulations for this final match. Matt says that the creature owns the brand. The winner goes to spoil. Matt wants to know if Jeff agrees to this match. Jeff does the yes chant. Reby says that she’s tired of this nonsense. Jeff tells Reby to get on her broomstick and fly away. Jeff says that he’ll take care Matt’s son. Reby tells Jeff to never talk about her son. Matt gets up from the wheel chair and attacks Jeff from behind. Matt whips Jeff back first to the steel ring steps. Matt hits Jeff in the back with the steel chair. Matt places Jeff’s neck on a steel chair. Matt connects with the Twist of Hate. Matt says that this match will not happen in the Impact Zone. This match will happen in there home in Cameron, North Carolina. Next week will be the final deletion of Brother Nero. 


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