Lucha Underground Results (11/9) – Grave Consequences Tres, Famous B vs Mascarita Sagrada

Second Match: Ivelisse, The Mack, Marty The Moth Martinez, Mariposa and Jeremiah Crane vs. Killshot, Dante Fox, Brian Cage, El Texano and Argenis. The Winner of this match will be entered in Aztec WarFare 

Fox and Crane starts things off. Crane Bicycle Kicks Fox into the turnbuckles. Crane follows that up with a running boot in the corner. Fox responds with a running boot of his own. Fox plants Crane with a springboard cutter. Crane connects with White Noise. Fox tags in Killshot. Killshot leapfrogs over Crane. Crane with a leaping knee strike. Killshot with a leg scissors takeover. Killshot dropkicks Crane into the ropes. Crane lands another Bicycle Kick. Crane tags in Ivelisse.

Ivelisse and Crane with a double thrust kick to Killshot. Killshot tags in Cage. Cage clotheslines Ivelisse. Cage goes for a delayed vertical suplex, but Ivelisse gets back on his feet. Martinez tags himself in. Martinez with a Bicycle Kick to Cage. Cage responds with a massive lariat. Cage tags in Texano. Martinez with a back elbow to the gut of Texano. Texano chokeslams Martinez. Martinez tags in Mariposa.

Cage and Texano begins to argue. Mariposa dropkicks Texano. Texano accidentally knocks Cage off the ring apron. Mariposa with a series of forearms to Texano. Mariposa ducks a clothesline and a back elbow from Texano. Texano goes for a running powerslam, but Mariposa holds onto the top rope. Texano tosses Mariposa onto Cage on the outside. Argenis with a hurricanrana to The Mack. Argenis with a enziguri from the ring apron. Mack plants Argneis with a Codebreaker. Texano and Cage continue to argue on the outside.


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